Teen Tops G.AT.E. Test

Time for North American kids from ALL and ANY culture or economic stratum to cut their smartphone & internet usage in HALF to catch or compete with the MOTIVATED geniuses like Sagar Sha heading to a great career in YOUR town!

… In a place like Pipalkoti which lacks coaching centres or an atmosphere conducive to exam preparation, young Sagar Shah cracked the competitive Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering (GATE) exam in his maiden attempt!

Indian Teen Tops G.AT.E. Test

Sagar Shah. Photo Credit: TBI Hindi/Sanjay Chauhan

Currently pursuing his engineering degree in Kotiyalsen, Chamoli, the youngster became a source of inspiration for the aspiring, hardworking and meritorious students in the small town…

Jovita Aranha

June 11, 2019, 2:17 pm The Better India
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