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Category Archives: Newsworthy (New & Old)
Here’s a contrast of key events and personalities involved in the abolition of slavery in Britain and the United States: Abolition of Slavery in Britain Key Events: 1. 1772 – Somerset v. Stewart Case: This legal case established that slavery … Continue reading
Posted in ChatGPT, Heroes, Newsworthy (New & Old), Pioneers, Politics, What Lives Matter
Tagged abolition, chatGPT, England 1833, USA 1865
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Trump, ICE, Ellie Mae
Here’s a graphical representation of the impact of housing market booms and busts on Ellie Mae over the years. The plot highlights key events and their effects on the company’s business, with the impact levels reflecting hypothetical assessments of each … Continue reading
US ETFs: Biden vs Trump
ChatGPT compares 2017-2020 with 2021-2024 to list the top few gainers and the losers of US stock market’s . From 2017–2020 and 2021–2024, the performance of large-cap ETFs and indices in the U.S. stock market varied significantly due to different … Continue reading
Gender Affirming Scare
In male-to-female (MTF) gender affirmation surgery, one component sometimes involves creating a neocervix, which is typically done through vaginoplasty.* However, the creation of a functional cervix is less common, as it does not serve a biological function in the new … Continue reading
Jump: Live and Tell!
https://people.com/human-interest/man-saved-by-stranger-in-holocaust-marries-her-daughter-years-later/ https://youtu.be/K7tFyjuiUwM Lazowski would [temporarily] safely return to his family [in the ghetto], but in August 1942, the Nazis returned to massacre the remaining Jews in the ghetto. As his mother pushed him from a window to help him escape … Continue reading
Posted in Survival, What Lives Matter, Will History Repeat?
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Lou Salutes Veterans
TAKE A LONG, HARD LOOK AT THIS PLANE. Being ‘escorted’ back to Allied side by a German, who was showing respect to American aviators inside. German saluting to American pilots. Here, leaving the mainland, about to cross the English Channel. … Continue reading
Posted in Education, Heroes, Lou's Links, Newsworthy (New & Old)
Tagged Bombers, Fighter Pilots, WWII
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Terrorism ‘Takes a Village’
Norwegian-Pakistani-Afghan little girl’s odyssey to adulthood activism and passivity work together dangerously https://youtu.be/0_W0HFy9Et4 Or if you’re in a hurry at least watch this tiny bit: https://youtu.be/0_W0HFy9Et4t=700 Short Excerpt l
Posted in Cross Culture, Newsworthy (New & Old), Politics, What Lives Matter
Tagged alienation
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byline Yahoo April 29, 1992 and other sources below: NBC Los Angeles Good Samaritans risk all to save Reginald Denny. Excerpt from Yahoo April 29, 1992: In one of the most disturbing images from the Los Angeles riots, six black … Continue reading
deGaulle honors Forgotten Hero
Despite 15 decorations from France for heroism and battlefield injuries in WWI and WWII, Eugene Bullard was ignored in the USA by his home country. “He had many reasons to resent his native country,” says biographer Craig Lloyd. But Bullard … Continue reading
Posted in Cross Culture, Ganbarou!, Heroes, Newsworthy (New & Old), Survival
Tagged Black Lives Matter, pioneer, race, WWII
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Feel free to use any part of this as a template, but for maximum effectiveness, (and if you wish to be taken seriously) please: 1. “sign it” at bottom with your name and email address per old fashioned letter protocol … Continue reading
Posted in Education, Events, Newsworthy (New & Old), Politics
Tagged equal protection, equal rights, FCC, First Amendment, free speech, Net neutrality
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