Lazowski would [temporarily] safely return to his family [in the ghetto], but in August 1942, the Nazis returned to massacre the remaining Jews in the ghetto. As his mother pushed him from a window to help him escape death, she told her son, “Tell the world what happened.”
Those last words have guided Lazowski, who shares his chilling story not just to fulfill his mother’s final wish, but also because he is “terribly, terribly upset” by the all-too-regular news of anti-Semitic violence in the U.S.
“This is the result of not educating people enough about the Holocaust,” says Lazowski. “When people forget what happened, they are vulnerable to [the idea] that it never happened.”
In the years since they married in 1955, Lazowski became the longtime rabbi of a Hartford synagogue; partnered with a Catholic priest on a mental health initiative at Hartford Hospital; and became the chaplain to the Connecticut state Senate — where he continues to serve today.
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